Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Guatemala Mission: Day 2 - 9

Pictures and video is not deep enough to describe or experience in Guatemala. It does do a great job capturing each moment there, but it was an experience that involved mind, body, and the soul. Only living it with us would equal the experience. What can I say... my life has changed forever... God is awesome. I witnessed and heard testimonies of his miracles. Some days were long but the fulfillment diminished the minutes. For a while I longed for joy and I found it in Guatemala. Not to say there were anything out the norm wrong with my life. It’s just… I felt dormant and that feeling started to conjure up negative feelings in my life. It affected my mood, my relationships, my work habits, and even my eating habits. I cried out to God. I asked him to take me back… change me… use me. I didn’t want to feel useless anymore. And as crazy as it sound, he said go to Guatemala while I was bed ridden by my pregnancy. I learned a lot about prayer, faith, and obedience from his calling. I was inspired to never look at my failure the way I use to look at them and was actually ashamed of the things I worried about.

I am a Poet. I transcribe events in time. My words influence how history is told. I could of blogged about a country divided by war, stricken by poverty, children that are abandoned and sick. I could have captured their struggles and blogged about what they lacked but I felt compelled to give God the glory. Why exploit the negative when there were positive things to say. I want to use this event be an influence of hope, proactive minds, and God’s love for the world. The bible says, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (New International Version)

I don’t know each child, woman, or man story that I came in contact with in Guatemala. But I witnessed a freedom that is dependent on God’s Grace and that was beautiful. The Holy Spirit does not discriminate. I saw children as young as my nieces and nephew break down in tears, rejoice, and made a commitment to serve the lord. The sacrifice Jesus made for us is providing, redeeming, and forgiving everyone that accepts him into their lives. And to witness their transformation was remarkable. They went from nothing to something in a matter of moments.

On the last day it was harder that actually adapting to some of the conditions we was exposed to. What was going to happen to everyone after we left stayed on my mind. I felt responsible for them, like I was obligated to see them through life. This is where I had to draw on my faith and remember what God had promised… Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (New International Version)

As far as our physical labor, the team worked hard. It was 10-12 hour days. But I will do it again and is looking forward to my next mission calling from God. Please take a look at the pictures and videos I post about the trip. I hope it encourages you to go on a mission trip or support a mission trip by donations. If you have not found a place for God in your life, I hope this opens your heart and if you lost sight of God, I hope this encourages you to seek him again. Here are some of the things that we did.

1. Two bible lessons: The Butterfly lesson on how God transforms our lives and the Ant lesson to show how God wants us to work together.

2. Arts and Crafts: The children mad butterflies and ants

3. Music and dance

4. Transformed the children by doing their hair and nails

5. Taught sewing and patterns

6. Installed a sink and a door and other repairs

7. Provided medical treatment and medical supplies

8. Taught Christian Karate

9. Donated supplies, shoes, desks, and chairs

10. Served the children Pizza

11. Visited the church that Lend A Hand is building

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